
Your College List — The Key to Success

The development of a balanced and well-researched College List is essential to success in college admissions. It is the set of colleges that suit a student exceptionally well and to which he or she will apply for admission in senior year. Juniors should begin researching and developing their lists during this spring semester. A key […]

The FAFSA and the CSS Profile

To take advantage of the two best ways to obtain financial aid, families should submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the College Scholarship Service Profile (CSS Profile). Submitting the FAFSA greatly increases the likelihood that a student will receive financial aid because it’s the only means of obtaining it from the Federal […]

Goodbye Paper and Pencil! Hello Digital SAT

By Candice Sunseri The new digital SAT is coming to the US in 2024, but international students have already been taking it for a year. Recently I attended a presentation with an international college advisor and an international test prep company to hear their take on what the new SAT is all about after a […]

So You Were Deferred…Now What?

When you send off those early deadline college applications, you may think the possible outcomes are two-fold: acceptance or denial. But increasingly, students are faced with a third possibility. Deferral. That means your application has been moved into the regular decision pool and you will get a decision along with the other regular deadline students […]

Getting Into Medical School

Medical doctors practice a highly rewarding and well-compensated profession. But to become a doctor, one must overcome formidable barriers that begin with admission to medical school, a highly competitive undertaking. Fortunately, there are steps that a student can take to improve their chances of admission. Medical schools receive thousands of applications every year for a […]

Community Service Boosts Your Appeal

Admissions committees at top colleges are not impressed by applicants who are focused solely on themselves. They seek applicants who are aware of the world around them and have admirable personal traits. One particular trait that appeals to them is altruism. Colleges look for applicants with a strong record of community service as an expression […]

Applications and Essays for 2022-23

This is a form letter that a college applicant might dream of sending out: Dear Sir, I have received your acceptance for admission, and I regret to inform you that I will not be attending your college in the coming years. As a senior in high school, I have applied to many other fine institutions […]